Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Why were you searching for me?

4 January, 2010

Read: Luke 2:41-52

“Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49)

This was the first question Jesus asked while he was on earth. His parents panicked after losing Him in the crowd only to find Him in the temple. His reply to Mary's question, "Son, why have you treated us like this?" was astonishing -

'Why were you searching for me?" The natural answer would be because you were our son. You should not go anywhere or do anything without telling us. Thus, her indignation at the way He was treating her as a mother.

Question: Why am i searching for Jesus today? Is my reaction at feeling his absence that of Mary's, "why have you treated me like this?"

Nevertheless, it said Jesus went down to Nazareth with them and 'was obedient to them' (v.15). Jesus was not obligated to Mary yet He humbled himself and became obedient to his earthly parents, and eventually to an unjust death (See Phil 2:1-8).

Jesus 'had to' be in the Father's house. He was lost to his earthly parents but found in God, His Father's house. He is not just Mary's Son. He is God's Son.

Mary would call the shots as His mom if He were to stay His son. But Jesus would heed only God's call as His Father's Son. To be Mary's son would mean a container Christ but to give Him the rightful place in God's house would signify a loss of control.

Question: What kind of Lord do I serve? Do i reduce him to a Lord who is to be managed in life (much like my house, work, etc) or see that he 'had to' be the Creator's Son - in charge of everything?

Prayer: Lord, please forgive me for the many times i have seek you for the wrong reasons; when i behave like the Lord instead of having you as the Lord of my life. Purify my motives of seeking you and Spirit stir within me the conviction that i 'had to' run to the Father's house daily and enthrone You as King of King and Lord of Lords. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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