Friday, July 15, 2011

Worship Confusion

There is panic and confusion in the church these days.

The panic is caused by the dwindling number of church attendees. The depleting number of worshippers has driven the church to try all kinds of new fads to attract people into their fold. They pump up the music, simplify the sermon and shorten the service time; all in the hope that the people won’t leave.

Worship is about God and all who comes to Him ‘must worship in Spirit and in truth” (John 4:24).

True worship is God-centred and not man-centred. While trying to engage the congregation, the church must not manipulate and ‘stage’ an encounter with God. How easy it is to degenerate into gimmicks and entertainment in the guise of being ’relevant’! It will be tragic if people gauge how ‘good’ a worship is by how they feel.

Church size is neither a reflection of authentic worship nor style an indication of true spirituality. The church is an assembly of sincere God-seekers and a community of loving members.

God does not care about church customers. He is looking or God-lovers.

The church must leave the number game to God and stick to our calling to pursue God individually and corporately.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A God of our past, present and future

Read Jeremiah 29:1-14

Jer 29:11
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

On Sunday, the preacher highlighted that there are three things that we have to let go in order to run and complete the Christian race. The three things are:
1. An unresolved past
2. An unsettled present
3. An uncertain future

The Israelites were in exile in this Jeremiah passage. God had to assure them that He is the Same God yesterday, today and tomorrow. The Israelites needed deliverance from their past. They were in exile because of their sin. They needed to hear that their past had been dealt with by God. So many of us are held back by our past; thinking that everything we have done is irreparable. God says He has plans for us and His plans are not going to be hindered because of our past errors.

The Jews were in a foreign country. Should they prepare to go back to their land? Should they settle among their pagan hosts? They could not do anything till they settle their minds were settled. God told them to settle their hearts, to be faithful where they were and build up the city that they were in. God guarantees us that His hands are upon us to flourish us; to make us grow and His thoughts toward us are kind. So where we are right now, stay faithful and live, work for Him.

The Jews were forcibly removed from their homeland by a pagan country due to their idolatries against God. They saw God as the ultimate sovereign in this entire act. Thus, to hear from God that He had plans to give them a hope and a future were kind of challenging. God told them that if they did learn their lesson and return to Him, the Jews would see Him keeping His part of the bargain. So it is with us – our uncertain future is unknown but if God, the King of the Universe has it all planned out and we go according to His way, there is no fear. We can look forward to our future with confidence.

To trust that God has got our backs covered. That our heavenly Father knows the exact way our lives would turn out if we trust Him – we need to remember, claim and live this promise.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Read Hebrews 3: 1-19
Hebrews 3:13
But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.

We all need encouragement. The scripture says we are to build each other up every day. The reason why we are to spur each other on is so that we will not be become so discouraged by our sins that we give up trying.

Hebrews 3 talks about the generation of Israelites in the desert who have tasted God’s goodness and yet continued in their unbelief. Many of us who have had experienced God’s blessings in life are also capable of stubbornly disbelieving Him. Encouragement from our brothers and sisters are God’s verbal audible voice to us to keep faith and not lose heart when the going gets tough and rough.

When and how do you give encouragement?
1. When the person is going through a tough time and looks down
2. When the person does something well or completes a task
3. When the person has ministered to you
4. Tell the person privately
5. Acknowledge the person publicly
6. Convey thanks to the person’s loved ones or family
7. Write a note, say it verbally, give a thumb-up, a pat on the back, etc
8. Do it IMMEDIATELY or as soon as possible

”Everyone needs recognition for his accomplishments, but few people make the need known quite as clearly as the little boy who said to his father: "Let's play darts. I'll throw and you say 'Wonderful!'" (Bits & Pieces, December 9, 1993, p. 24)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Following Jesus

So I read (but cannot verify) that our generation is getting ‘too soft’; so soft that it has been said that in the United States, the army has to revamp its training regimen.

If all our institutions are reflections of our society, it also means that they absorb the society’s norms and values. As one of the oldest institution on earth, is the church producing ‘soft’ Christians as well?

By ‘soft’, we mean people who are unable to take hardships, have difficulty persevering and break easily. By being ‘soft’ we refer to people who are unwilling and unable to make sacrifices, give up material comfort and lack stamina to endure hardship. Translated in biblical terms, it points to a generation of Christians who cannot follow through with long term tough commitment.

In a nutshell, it says, ‘when the going gets tough, the soft gets packing.” This is all bad news for the gospel. Our Lord promises sacrifices, blood, sweat and tears to all who calls Him Lord. He says the road is narrow, the way tough and only those willing to endure hardship and pay the price of the cross will make it to the end. Disciples of Jesus must be tough mentally, steady emotionally, firm morally and prepared spiritually to go for the long haul. We cannot be ‘soft’ in our follower-ship.

But lest we think we are on our own, the Lord also promises to empower us and be with us till the end of the world. The glory will come after the cross, this He assures us. If we keep our focus on Him, on the joy that is set before us, we shall be able to make it to the end.

And through it all, we will build resilience, become stronger and develop character. We shall not be ‘soft’.