Monday, January 3, 2011

Where are you?

January 3, 2010

Read in context: Genesis 3:1-24

"But the LORD God called to the man, “Where are you?” (Gen 3:9)

God took the first step to reach out to man. He walked in the garden.

Before the fall, He used to walk with Adam and Eve in the garden. The garden of Eden
was perfect. The fellowship was sweet.

There was another garden mentioned when Jesus was still on earth. The Garden of Gethsemane. The Roman soldiers went to the Garden with the same question,"Jesus, where are you" in their heads; and find him they did there with Judas' help. (See Matt 26:37-41)

Question: How does the 'garden' in my heart look like? A perfect place for God to walk freely or a place where the Son of man is easily betrayed for the world?

In the Garden of Eden, God did the first act and it wasn't very dignified.

He called to man - hard to imagine a high king come looking for a subject (my Hollywood and Chinese shows are failing me here :)

God is and always the One who initiates the first call - just as He called Adam and Eve here, He called Noah, Abram, Jacob, the disciples and so on -

This the first ever recorded question God posed to mankind - "Where are you?"

Question: What should my response be to a King who calls me? Do I hear His call daily - "where are you?"

My prayer is that may God never have to ask me this question 'Where are you' ever again. To walk with you in our garden, this i endeavour to do. But should i fail Lord - please do call out to me. Amen

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