Monday, July 4, 2011

Talk, Stop and Listen

Read Job 31

"The words of Job are ended" (Job 31:40c)

What would you do if all that you believe in for all your life suddenly seems to be wrong?

The Jews believe that wealth and health is a sign of God's favour. Live according to God's Word and you will be blessed by God. Live sinfully and you will suffer at God's hand. Thus Job's anguish was that of his whole life's beliefs being shaken at its foundation. Had he lived his life righteously in vain?

God cannot speak to us because we sometimes talk without stopping. We want to have the first and last word. God politely refuses to butt in and interrupt us.

We scream and shout when things don't go right. We demand answers. We justify, complain and argue because we feel that we have been unfairly treated. We air it all out because we feel that to keep it in will kill us. Rightly so. There is indeed a place for laments and grievings in our lives. God does not despise nor judge us for pouring out our pains to Him. He listens intently, patiently and attentively.

But God can only answer us when we are silent. When we stop talking and start listening, God speaks. So after the tsunami of words, "The words of Job ended".

Why not practise some solitude, some alone time with God? Speak if you must, air your frustrations, ask Him all the questions that have been plaguing your mind and then stop. Stop, wait and let God take His turn.

Let your words cease so that God can commence His healing words to us. You will be surprised when His answer comes.


  1. Thanks for this post CP! :) Really needed to hear this. I think it's a great reminder for all of us to put time aside just for God. Talk to Him, and hear what He has to say.

  2. I am glad that it ministered to you, Tessa. I guess we need reminders like these all the times.
